Labour Policy

Alarmtec is committed to abiding by their customers’ Codes of Conduct and as such is dedicated to the implementation of the ETI Base Code throughout its supply chain.

The Company will ensure its business operation complies with and supports current regulations.

To demonstrate this the Company will dedicate resource to:

  • Track legislation and implement any changes which are deemed necessary
  • Ensure continual improvement in its social responsibility performance

In dedicating this resource, the Company commits to:

  • Ensuring employment is freely chosen by; abstaining from forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour; confirming no type of deposit is to be made in exchange for employment and; providing a reasonable notice period of termination to its employees.
  • Recognising freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining by; confirming all employees’ right to join a union and to collectively bargain and; iterating that no discrimination of exercising these rights will occur.
  • Ensuring the working conditions of its’ employees are safe and hygienic by; taking adequate steps to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with, or occurring in the course of work, by minimising, so far as reasonably practicable, the cause of hazards inherent in the working environment; ensuring its employees’ receive regular and recorded training and; ensuring its employees have access to clean toilet facilities and to potable water.
  • Ensuring child labour is not used by; implementing policies and procedures which ensure no child is employed who is under the legal UK age limit for full time work; contributing to the transition of any child found to be performing child labour to attend regular and quality education until no longer a child and; ensuring no child or young worker is employed at night or in hazardous conditions.
  • Monitoring its employees’ salaries in order to confirm the National Minimum Wage or living wages are paid by; paying at or above the National Minimum Wage; providing all employees with written and understandable information regarding their employment and salary; providing each employee with a statement of their pay at or prior to the pay period and; agreeing and confirming any deductions from pay with the employee concerned.
  • Ensuring its employees’ working hours are not excessive by; ensuring no employee has contracted hours at more than 48 hours per week, excluding overtime, mentioned in their terms and conditions; confirming overtime may be required but will be used responsibly and will be payable at a premium rate and; confirming overtime will not be used in replacement of regular employment.
  • Ensuring there is no discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership or political affiliation.
  • Ensuring regular employment is provided by; ensuring work is performed on the basis of recognised employment; ensuring the use of labour-only contracting, subcontracting, apprenticeship schemes and fixed term contracts are not used in replacement of permanent employment.
  • Ensuring no harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed by; prohibiting any form or threat of physical abuse or discipline, sexual or other harassment, verbal abuse or other types of intimidation.